Spittoon Literary Magazine Issue 4
A bold new direction
Spittoon Literary Magazine’s 4th Issue marks an important change of direction for the magazine, which is now dedicated only to translating and publishing China’s best new writers. This issue features poetry from 余幼幼, 杜绿绿, and 桑克, and prose from 包慧怡, 索耳, and 黎幺. Our translation team, led by Stephen Nashef, is comprised of talented Chinese and English-language writers and translators who paired up to bring the writing as faithfully as possible into the English-language.
第四期的Spittoon文学杂志标志了这本杂志一次重要的转向。现在,它专注于翻译并发表中国最前沿的文学创作者的作品。本期杂志刊有余幼幼、杜绿绿和桑克的诗歌,以及包慧怡、索耳和黎幺的散文。由Stephen Nashef领衔的翻译团队——包括中外作家和译者——将竭尽全力呈现出这些作品的原有风貌。

Thanks to our whole translation team: Stephen Nashef, Tiantian Yuan, Zuo Fei (Sophie), Henry Zhang, Tingya (Grace) Jin, Irene Chen, Chen Bo, Feng Tianyi, Brad Philen, Kassy Lee, Anthony Tao, David Huntington, Deva Eveland, and Jennifer Fossenbell.
感谢我们的翻译团队:Stephen Nashef、Tiantian Yuan、昨非、Henry Zhang、Tingya Jin、Iren Chen、Chen Bo、冯天仪、Brad Philen、Kassy Lee、Anthony Tao、David Huntington、Deva Eveland和Jennifer Fossenbell。
— Written by Simon Shieh

Spittoon’s website reborn
And Spittoon Monthly submissions now open
Spittoon has a new online home! Aside from community updates and event info, our website will be publishing exceptional new English-language fiction and poetry, featured translations from the print mag, a special interview series, and much more. Be sure to check out the first featured writer of our new Spittoon Monthly series, Xiao Yue (Shelly) Shan! We’re lucky to have five of her stunning poems to share with the world.

If you want to see your poetry or fiction featured where Shelly’s is, please submit! Our Spittoon Monthly column is accepting rolling submissions of English-language fiction and poetry. We’ll feature one exceptional short story or set of poems the first Monday of every month. Send us fiction under 4000 words or 3-5 poems of less than 10 pages. Submissions are rolling, but the sooner you submit the better your chances of acceptance and the sooner in the year you’re likely to get published.
I want to give a shout-out to our new team of online column editors who are making this happen! We have our online fiction editor Bradford Philen, our online poetry editor Poornima Weerasekara, our Chinese literature column editor Ana Padilla Fornieles, and our online Chinese language editor Huang Chenkuang 黄陈匡.
我想特别感谢一下我们全新的线上专栏编辑团队,是他们让这一切变得有可能!他们是——线上小说编辑Bradford Philen,线上诗歌编辑Poornima Weerasekara,中文文学专栏编辑Ana PAdilla Fornielles,还有线上中文编辑黄陈匡。
— Written by David Huntington

Spittoon’s Shelly Shan wins an award!
I was grateful to receive an award for a poem I wrote about china, the country I was born in, and one I am eternally curious about. It is a place I have come at from a distance, to engage it in conversation, to listen to its stories, its music, and to learn from its seemingly eternal wisdoms. and some of my most precious poems have been written with its hand— on the 43rd floor of my uncle’s apartment building in Harbin, upon the curb of my grandmother’s house in Beijing, in the yellow dust of Shandong province, by the banks of the Yellow river, looking over Shanghai brilliant at dusk, and half-drunk on sweet wine in Hong Kong. There is no assigning a writer to a singular ethnic literary identity, but in my poems about china, I am proud to be associated with an incredible history of artistic legacy, and am full of thanks for my country, as I know it, to be read, to be spoken to, to be heard.
听到了我写的一首关于中国的诗收到了奖,第一个情感就是荣幸。中国是我的出生地,一个让我永远充满好奇的国家,也是一个我是从远处接近的地方。写关于它的诗的目标,就是想跟它谈话,听它的故事,音乐,并从它的永恒智慧中学习。许多我最珍贵的作品都是用中国编的;在我大舅的哈尔滨公寓43楼,在我祖母的北京房路边,在山东省的黄色尘土中,在黄河的岸边,在黄昏时看着上海的辉煌, 在香港的甜酒上半醉。 没有任何一个作家能够分享一个单一的民族文学身份,但在诗歌中,我很自豪能够与这么难以置信的艺术遗产联合在一起。能让我认识的国家被阅读,让它开口讲话,让我们两的故事都被得悉。
— Written by Shelly Shan

Spittoon’s Chengdu hotspot

Chengdu is the kind of place where you can’t spit without hitting a writer, so it’s natural that Spittoon’s first branch sprouted here in 2016. Spittoon Chengdu and its monthly reading nights are run by Annie Leonard, who also is the administrator of the Chengdu Bookworm Writing Group. Reading nights are mostly attended by writing group members, but also attract Chinese authors, budding teen writers,and the occasional opera singer. Aside from reading nights, Spittoon Chengdu organizes and participates in other literary events such as the Spittoon Literary Tour and Chengdu Concordia International School’s World Reading Day event.
成都是一个“作者如云”的城市,所以2016我们自然而然地在这里成立了Spittoon的第一个分部。Spittoon成都和它的每月朗读夜都是由Annie Leonard组织的,她还是成都老书虫写作小组的组织者。除了写作小组的人外,朗读夜还吸引了不少中文作家、青年作者和一些歌剧演唱者。同时,Spittoon Chengdu还组织并参与了其他的文学活动像Spittoon Literary Tour 和 Chengdu Concordia International School’s World Reading Day event等。
— Written by Annie Leonard

Spittoon starts in Gothenburg!
SPITTOON Gothenburg aims to conquer the European market through absolute and irrefutable domination. We will ransack their castles to take all their Marmite, olive oil, and cuckoo clocks. We will seduce their finest performers and give ‘em what they want: a sexy stage to empty their lungs and give us the words that will save the world.
SPITTOON Gothenburg将以摧枯拉朽之势横扫欧洲。我们会掠夺他们的城堡,带走他们的马麦酱、橄榄油和报时钟表。我们还会引诱他们最好的表演者,然后给他们想要的:一个无法拒绝的舞台,他们将不得不挖空心思并奉上足以拯救世界的文字。
SPITTOON Gothenburg will have in its first edition performers from: Sweden, Syria, Canada, Chile, Russia, and counting. If you have friends in Sweden, send them to us so we can crook ’em as well. This is the first international SPITTOON event, and we’ll blow their minds so hard that you all will hear the bang in Beijing.
SPITTOON Gothenburg第一期的表演者分别来自瑞典、叙利亚、加拿大、智利、俄罗斯等国家。如果你在瑞典有朋友,请转告他们前来“接受洗礼”。这将是SPITTOON走向国际的第一步,我们会让观众大开眼界,哪怕你身在北京都能感受得到。
— Written by Matias Ruiz-Tagle

Spittunes continues to change the game
Spittoon’s music and poetry collaboration project, Spittunes, has grown into a multi-city phenomenon with appearances in many venues in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, bringing together many lasting poet-musician partnerships. We’re proud now to announce two exciting new projects that will continue to grow and evolve the work that we do.
Nuvoices is a collective that has sprouted in Beijing over the last year and has already gained wide spread acclaim for their influential work with promoting women writers and creatives in China and beyond. Spittoon is proud to join forces with Nuvoices to facilitate collaborations between largely women writers and artists. From classical acoustic to post- rock with wonderful writers like Li Wan, Lethokuhle Msimang and Anthony Tao collaborating, its bound to be a show not to be missed – 28th August, at DDC.
Nuvoices是一个去年从北京发展起来的团体,她们为中外的女性作家和艺术家做出的贡献已经获得了大家的认可和喝彩。Spittoon很自豪可以与Nuvoices一起来促进以女性为主的合作,无论是文学还是在艺术上。8月28日,DDC黄昏黎明俱乐部,作家Li Wan将与Lethokuhle Msimang和Anthony Tao一起献上一场融合了古典原生、后摇与文学的盛宴,一定不要错过哟~

That is not all. Not all at all.
Spittoon is also massively proud to announce a collaboration between our Spittunes project and Producer / Label Nasty Wizard for a special SPITTUNES COMPILATIONALBUM RELEASE – with 8 special collaboration songs featuring Chinese and foreign artists and poets. Details for the release of this album to come — clue: The weather will be a lot colder than it is now…
Spittoon还将宣布一项Spittunes与制作人/品牌 Nasty Wizard 的合作:SPITTUNES专辑,里面包含8首由中外艺术家和诗人特别制作的歌曲,敬请期待。

Spittoon’s CUE comic book is born
(China Urban Expression)

It was a sweltering day on the afternoon of Saturday July 28th as Beijing’s thriving contingent of illustrators, artists and comic book enthusiasts descended on El Nido to celebrate the birth of Spittoon’s next publication, CUE. Managing Editor Michael Marshall made sure the launch ticked over nicely as it swung its colourful comic book carousel from El Nido to Temple Bar for anafter party. CUE invests in young, China based artists, both Chinese and foreign, and commissions them to create comic books. In this first issue of CUEwe have everything from a Kuai Di guy travelling into a different dimension toan exploration of the perfect Beijing recipes.
2018年的7月28日是热的让人喘不过气的一天,一群插画家、艺术家和漫画书爱好者来到了El Nido来庆祝Spittoon的新出版物——CUE。执行编辑Michael Marshall确保了发布会的顺利执行,就连从El Nido到Temple的过渡都像旋转木马一样流畅。CUE相信活跃于中国的这些年轻的艺术家的潜力,无论国籍,并给他们创作漫画书的机会。在第一期的CUE中有许多有趣的故事,比如一个快递小哥穿越到另一个维度,还有探索北京菜谱的故事。
— Written by Matthew Byrne
See here for a detailed description and a chance to order your copy!

Spittoon’s short documentary film
That’s What Spittoon Is
Finally arrives
“That’s What Spittoon Is”
September 2017 was a huge month for Spittoon. All our usual programming, from Slam, Poetry and Fiction to Spittunes PLUS Spittoon’s first ever multi-city tour (Beijing, Chengdu, Suzhou / Shanghai). All of this wonderful activity was filmed by video grapher Hannes Knutsson-Hall into a beautiful video that we’re very proud of. Please watch the video to see who we are, what we do and to glimpse a bit of the soul of Spittoon!
2017年的9月对Spittoon来说至关重要。我们已经有一些固定的活动:Slam、诗歌小说夜和Spittunes音乐夜第一次的跨城市巡演(北京、成都、苏州/上海)。这些精彩的活动被摄影师Hannes Knutsson-Hall记录了下来,并剪辑成一个精彩的短片。想知道我们是谁,我们在做什么?看一看这部纪录片吧,从中你可以一睹Spittoon的风采。

Spittoon is a platform that supports and sustains literary and artistic collaborations between the Chinese and the World. It organizes poetry and fiction reading nights, workshops, a music-poetry collaboration called Spit-Tunes, CUE(China Urban Expression) our bi-lingual comic book and the Spittoon Literary Magazine.
Spittoon 是一个中外文学和艺术社区,主办诗歌、小说朗读之夜,写作工坊和糅合了音乐与诗歌的Spit-Tunes 等文学艺术活动,旗下有Spittoon双语独立文学杂志和CUE(中国城市表达)双语漫画书。